How To Truly Be Present In Your Presence

In From Aji by Aji10 Comments

Do you find working on your body language really frustrating?


Same here

I suppose more frustrating is the fact that you only have one opportunity to make a first impression – with investors, customers, and at interviews.
Psychologists haven’t helped either, as Janine Willis and Alexander Todorov described in one of their articles that  it takes just one-tenth of a second for one to be judged and make a first impression.


One – tenth! This is scary!
Honestly, I spent hours and days upon months, mastering the non-verbal behaviors that are considered important to forming first impressions such as smiling, eyebrow position, emotional expression, eye contact, straightening one’s posture, leaning in slightly, and giving a firm handshake. All these are emphasised to promote favourable impression formation.
While they are important, but can be daunting, the reason: because you are constantly struggling to impress, you are trying to control the outcome instead of the source
This was my experience until I discovered one of the most powerful ways you can create not only a first impression but also lasting impression.

Oh yes, by the end of today’s post you’re going to master how to create a lasting impression by being powerfully present in a conversation.


First I want you to try this exercise:

I want you to close your eyes; imagine you are tasting a slice of lemon.
Still with your eyes closed, imagine being with the man or woman you love – am sure we all have someone we care about.
Now open your eyes, of course, there’s no lemon or your favorite person – they all exist in your imagination.
Powerful conversation is not about body language, but down to one thing – ATTITUDE.

Dale Carnegie said you can make more friends in two months than you can make in two years by becoming truly interested in people.
And the attitude you want to have is that the person you are facing is the most fascinating person you have ever met – your imagination can make this happen effortlessly.


This is the best way to have a powerful conversation.

Have you ever had a conversation with someone that was multitasking, or responded with a ‘WOW’ or “SMILE” when truly it wasn’t the expected response? The result, you felt the person was fake and inauthentic, am sure you don’t want to come across that way.


So think of that in your interactions with people, and meetings this week — remember to keep bringing yourself back.
You can have amazing heartfelt connection with people when you are truly present. So give them your best.

What are your tips for creating lasting impressions, I’ll love to hear from you.


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