How To Enjoy The Most Important Part On The Success Journey – The Moment

In From Aji by Aji6 Comments

Taking the success journey requires you to set goals and plan the steps to achieve them. But your most important goal should be to live a meaningful life, and that is what you can achieve every day. The challenge is, most often than not, we focus on our goals that we lose sight of the journey – forgetting that its not so much about the outcome alone but the process.

For example, how many times have you been on the train that you took notice of someone next to you? When was the last time you went on a drive to enjoy your wonderful neighborhood? How often do you volunteer to do something that doesn’t contribute to your career?


Each moment presents us with opportunities to change lives – look after kids, mentoring a new generation of leaders within and outside your organisation. When you see the opportunity to live the moment, just do it. Don’t worry about whether it will help you achieve your goal.Instead ask yourself if it will make your life more meaningful. If the answer is yes, that is reason enough to do it.

Here are three tips to help you enjoy the moment on the journey to success:

Spend time with positive people

John Wooden said you will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you spend time with and the books you read. I believe our relationships are our center of gravity. Imagine the most talented being with a nagging partner, hanging out with people who are constantly putting you down, an overbearing boss, et al. Associating with positive people will definitely influence how you enjoy the moment, improve your performance and help reach your goals faster. You may want to read the post “How to increase your performance”

 Find Ways To Relieve Stress

Because pressure has become part of everyday life, and can be motivating. However, when pressure builds up to the point where you feel and perceive that you can no longer cope, the result is Stress. Stress breeds negative thinking that’s why it’s so important to find ways to release tension and regroup mentally. I love treadmill workouts; it gives me both mental and physical releases. In particular, whenever I’ve had a tough time with someone, I unleash the stress on the treadmill by blowing off some steam and gotten rid of my stress.

Find a positive way to release stress in your life. I recommend something active that requires both mental concentration and physical effort.

You may want to read the post “How to release stress at work”

 Don’t Take Life Seriously

The problem with many unsuccessful people is that they take themselves too seriously. They think of success as a chore, they believe they would be happier when they are successful, forgetting that happiness brings about a successful life and in each moment lies happiness.

That doesn’t mean you should take life seriously. You’ll go farther in life if you maintain a sense of humour, especially you find fun in each moment.

Now, I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.

So this week, don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy the moment. Don’t make excuses. Don’t look back. Don’t worry about achieving your goals.

Just enjoy the moment!


 Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts.


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