10 Ways To Flourish And Thrive in Life

In From Aji, Knowledge by Aji2 Comments

T o flourish and thrive in life, you must truly embrace and energise your physical vehicle – the body that you occupy – is of inestimable value. You must accept your own worthiness and be willing and able to feel genuine love and appreciation for who you are – this is the essential key for opening the doors of change and attracting the very, very best experiences that life has to offer.

What do you see when you look in the mirror? I don’t mean when you drive on the motor way, you see a big truck and quickly pull over because you were scared it was coming to hit you. That was my experience when I started learning how to drive. I was constantly gazing at the mirror instead of looking ahead.

I mean what do you see in the mirror of life? Do you know that this mirror is so honest that it gives a true reflection of the signal you send? Do you spend time thinking about the circumstances of your birth, upbringing, abuse or addiction, people, situations or events in your past? Sometimes you focus your gaze on all these things and allow them to influence the decisions or choices you make.


The interesting thing is that we tend to observe the world from a very narrow point of view – which is that obstacles are negative. In fact, obstacles can help us to grow and therefore can be positive! They are absolutely essential for growth. Sometimes things go awry and it isn’t until much later that we discover that, whatever the setback was, it was there for a good reason. We learn and become stronger from the experience. Once you are able to learn to persevere in the face of all obstacles, eventually you will create the reality that you desire.

Below are some action exercises that can help you get rid of past events to begin a loving relationship with yourself:

  1. Get rid of any unresolved events. This requires a lot of honest internal self searching to find and eliminate. It is advisable to get professional and/or spiritual help for this process.


  1. Stop feeling guilty. Forgive yourself for past “failures”. Do not dwell on the past. Forgive others and avoid guilt, this is one of the biggest destroyers of focus and confidence.


  1. Write down what you love about yourself or life. You can glue this to a wall and read them to yourself at least twice a day. E.g. ‘I have a beautiful face’, ‘I am successful’.


  1. Begin by loving yourself, then share the love with others, not the other way around.


  1. Learn how to respect and honour yourself more deeply and identify where you need to communicate with yourself more openly and honestly


  1. Be grateful each and every day for your progress and what you have been able to achieve


  1. Look for positive and inspiring quotes and begin to programme them into your system. As you begin to affirm these words, you will start to believe that you are destined to be successful in whatever areas you desire


  1. Begin to help people genuinely and in so doing, you will be sending out positive energy. Lean to say ‘I am sorry’


  1. Be mindful of what you say. What do you say about yourself? What do you say about others? Do not engage in gossip about others or continue passing on hearsay. Do not engage in negative name calling or take things personally


10. Get into the habit of acting as though you have already accomplished your goals and are the success you want to be. Your new behaviour will influence the messages you receive in the mirror, which in turn will help you to realise your dreams faster!


There is no mystery to achieving success – it is available to all of us. You only need to be aware of, understand and, most importantly, love yourself and embrace your circumstance. Things only look like coincidences and accidents to those who do not see the truths behind them. Remember you are provided with an infinite amount of possibilities and opportunities but they do not create your life, you do.

What is it that big idea you will consciously choose to birth? It’s your choice – you are the Co-Creator of your world!

This post is an excerpt from my book ‘The Next Maverick’ The Next Maverick

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