The Next Maverick

In Books, Knowledge by Aji5 Comments

You have the power to shape the future. What Would You Really Be Doing if money were not an issue?”

Few years ago, I had hit “rock bottom”-the worst part were the loneliness and hopelessness, I was in a job I hated, my health wasn’t good and I was on the brink of divorce; and it was easy to feel like no one else in the world had ever gone through what I had and managed to live a successful life. It didn’t seem to matter what I did externally as I changed the lot; jobs, even cities! I still felt empty and like something just wasn’t working.

You might be in a situation right now where you doubt whether you are in the right job, relationship, home, or maybe you just keep thinking there has got to be more to life than this!

I promised myself that if I ever overcame this phase, I would remember to pass on that hope to others. That day has finally come, and I’m keeping that promise. In my quest for success, I discovered there is more to life than money.

After making considerable investment not least in terms of time and money – into ‘Project Life’, I now share with you what I have learnt.

  • Whether you been dampened in focusing on competition with little information on how to set yourself apart?
  • Perhaps you have experienced major success in business development – but what about human development Or
  • Maybe have heard the bold expression of how personal branding or corporate values drives profit – but what of how your day – to-day- values impacts the future

I believe it takes an enormous effort to experience real success within the contradictions and paradoxes of human organizational and conventional thinking.

I’ve written this book with the sole purpose of helping you shift your focus from short term ambition and narrow interpretations of success, into using your day to day values, to shape your future, and make your life more rewarding.

Are you ready to make changes that will leave you happier, healthier, and more fulfilled? This book will help you blast through obstacles and lay out the foundation for success that is true to who you are. Unlock the principles that will give you the momentum to achieve authentic success and lead an extra ordinary life!

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The Next Maverick


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