Most Important Recipe For Success and How To Get It

In From Aji by Aji7 Comments

When I was a kid and my mum would serve us meal. Once we (six of us) were served, we were told not to ask for More. WE THOUGHT THIS WAS NORMAL.

When we sometimes talked about this recently, we would laugh so hard and sometimes shed tears.  We all had a great childhood, even though there weren’t extravagant holidays, but there were trips to the beach at Christmas. Mum tried to give us chicken every now and then, but when we had those funny fish, we’d throw them out of the window (laughs) till we were caught. All in all, I was a happy kid — but I had no idea that I was only seeing a sliver of the world.

I had always thought about focusing on what I had and being happy with it. That’s just how I was raised.

Then something happened.


Some years ago, I had an interview with a multinational. Few weeks after the first interview at Canary Wharf  – London, they flew me to Netherlands for a follow up interview, picked me up with a car similar to a limo (too amazed to check the make/model) and finally to a luxury hotel that swallowed me up. I had no idea what to do – was too excited to sleep.

It felt like being in a movie. I decided to go downstairs for a drink after having my meal in the room.

WOW!!! Who are these people???

I got curious.  But soon found out, they were people just like me.

They live in the world where price and cost wasn’t the first thing you thought about? How do you do that?


I was happy with where I was, but I wanted to know about this invisible world.

I welcome you to the world of SELF WORTH.

 I have said it severally and I believe it to be fact. Self worth is the most important recipe for success. I suppose in the quest to develop high self-worth if we first understood what self worth is. I view self-worth as a measure of the availability of our Being to believe in ourselves. Self-worth comes from a source on the INSIDE of us. You can only create it through Faith, by acting on the singular belief that you matter. Self-worth is the foundation of your ability to believe in yourself.

If you don’t know what you are worth, you settle for anything, relationships, jobs, choices etc.


Our decisions and choices are based on our self worth. Your present circumstances shouldn’t determine who you are; who you are is on the inside of YOU.


Though I didn’t get the job in Netherlands, but I came back to London wanting for MORE. And I wasn’t going to wait till eternity to get it.

So I started to change my mindset about everything.

And that’s why this year I want to focus on MORE.


So I hear you ask, “Can we determine our own self worth?” And my answer is a resounding, “YES.” And am going to tell you how. Here are three things you can try right now to start improving your self worth.


1. Acknowledge:   I had to acknowledge my shortcomings, areas that required improvement, beliefs that held me bound for years, they all became my FEARS; I did not try to push them away by distracting myself with other things. Instead of resisting the fears, I embraced them.

2. Acceptance: I accepted the fact that I NEEDED to deal with my fears. I accepted my mistakes, my background and took responsibility for my past and the future I intend to create. I made up my mind not to sit at the comfort zone. I realized what it was costing me and that it’s up to me to change it. ME, Just ME!. When I decided to change, I listed all my fears, prioritised them and picked the first three that had the greatest impact on my personal growth and began to work on them

3. Appreciate – Remember, the brain has the capacity to remember what the eyes see. So I created my MIND pictures, these pictures are what I wanted to see in ME to counter my fears. I placed them around my home so that my brain began to receive different signals and my mind could map these things instead of my fears. I began to call myself these new names, I began to speak to the new me, love myself more. I started speaking to myself with respect. I learnt the art of positive self-talk. Some people were not comfortable with this; some call it self-worship – but never really cared.

I became my No1 fan, I started telling people how good a consultant I am, all the good I have done and can do and got into the habit of acting as though I have already accomplished my goals and the success I wanted to be.


Yes that’s it!


Are you ready to break through anything that is standing in your way of being a successful Leader and impact your world?

This year, I encourage you to demand MORE.

More fun. More success. More time. More peace. More joy.

What More are you asking for?

Please share your experience; I love to read from you.


For now, have a fab week! And don’t forget to share.




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