Three Deadly Threats To Your Career Plans – Part 1 of 3

In Career Planning, From Aji by AjiLeave a Comment

So it’s theNew Year and you are ready to make the next career move; maybe you’re planning for a promotion within your current organisation, negotiating a pay rise or perhaps you want to move on to something exciting. I’ll be sharing with you in my three-part video series, 3 Deadly Threats you need to watch out for as you plan for your next career move.

In this first video series, I share Threat No.1, which is what I call “Commoditisation”.

….At any given time.


So, your assignment today is to look around you, if you are planning for a career progression or planning for a pay rise, ask yourself thise question: “What other projects can I get involved with within my organisation that can make use of my skills and I can be of value?

Stay tune for part 2 and 3 of the three deadly threats to your career.

Thank you for sharing.

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