My Top 3 Reasons Why You Need To Plan Your Career

In From Aji, Knowledge, Leadership by Aji1 Comment

These days, the Global Positioning System (GPS) is such a common part of everyday life that many of us take it for granted. Any way you slice it, though, its some pretty amazing technology that enables the GPS – enabled smartphone to lead us to the nearest Mexican restaurant or the GPS in our car to get us back on course when we make a wrong turn.

 and how to get there

Most people would like to have the same sense of clarity in their personal and professional lives. Most of my clients have found that planning their career enables them to capture on one sheet of paper what is most important in their life, what they need to consistently do to reach their goals.

Based on my experience and that of my clients, I believe that taking time to plan your career is an important step that will help you not only be an effective leader but also have a fulfilled life.

Here are my top three reasons why you need to plan your career:

  • Understand your mission on this earth
  • Engage in a job or business that is in alignment with your PURPOSE, VALUES, and MISSION
  • So that you wake up every morning EXCITED to get out of bed

Do you plan your career? And what are your reasons for planning your career?

Please share your thoughts below.

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